

4:34 If you fear rebellion beat them, because men are better then women
Buk 5204 None of you should flog his wife like a slave then have sex with her at night
Maj 1986 A man should not be asked why he beats his wife
Daw 2146 The Prophet allowed the women to be beaten
Mus 2328a Allah's Messenger never never beat anyone with his hand
Mus 974b Mohamed gave Aisha a nudge on the chest which she felt (struck and hurt her)
Buk 5825 Aisha have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women
Daw 2142 The right of the wife is not to be struck on the face
Daw 2143 Approach your tilth how you will, do not revile her face, and do not beat her
Hadith Adab 166 (en en2) Beat your wife (18) Slavery (30)
Don't beat your wife like you beat your slave
Hadith Al Bukhari 2559 (en en2) New Hadith (40) Beat your wife (18)
If somebody fights (or beats somebody) then he should avoid the face
Hadith Al Bukhari 4942 (en en2) New Hadith (40) Beat your wife (18)
It is not wise for anyone to lash his wife like a slave, for he might sleep with her in the evening.
Quran An-Nisa(The Women) 4:34 (en en2 tfs tfs2) Submission and role (18) Beat your wife (18)
If you fear rebellion beat them, because men are better then women
Hadith Al Bukhari 5204 (en en2) Beat your wife (18) Slavery (30)
None of you should flog his wife like a slave then have sex with her at night
Hadith Al Bukhari 6042 (en en2) How does anyone of you beat his wife as he beats the stallion camel and sleep with her?
Hadith Ibn Majah 1986 (en en2) Beat your wife (18)
A man should not be asked why he beats his wife
Hadith Abu Dawud 2146 (en en2) Mohamed is the best of example (28) Mohamed towards women (37) Beat your wife (18)
The Prophet allowed the women to be beaten and they came to complain to his family.
Hadith Muslim 2328a (en en2) Mohamed's violence (29) Mohamed towards women (37) Beat your wife (18)
Allah's Messenger never never beat anyone with his hand, neither a woman nor a servant
Hadith Abu Dawud 4786 (en en2) The Messenger of Allah never struck a servant or a woman
Hadith Muslim 974b (en en2) Mohamed's violence (29) Aïsha, the brave child (65) Beat your wife (18) Aisha's chilhood (31)
Mohamed gave Aisha a nudge on the chest which she felt (struck and hurt her)
Hadith An Nasai 2037 (en en2) Mohamed gave Aisha a nudge on the chest which she felt (struck and hurt her)
Hadith Al Bukhari 5825 (en en2) Divorce (22) Beat your wife (18)
Aisha have not seen any woman suffering as much as the believing women
Hadith Abu Dawud 2142 (en en2) Women's rights (10) Beat your wife (18)
The right of the wife is to be fed, to be clothe and not to be struck on the face
Hadith Al Bukhari 1299 (en en2) Beat your wife (18) At funerals (5)
If a woman cries at funeral, forbid her and put dust in her mouth
Hadith Abu Dawud 2143 (en en2) Beat your wife (18)
Approach your tilth how you will, do not revile her face, and do not beat her
Hadith Abu Dawud 2144 (en en2) Give them food and clothe them, and do not beat them, and do not revile them
Hadith Abu Dawud 4493 (en en2) When one of you inflicts a beating, he should avoid striking the face